Our Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
We are committed to ensuring that our customers are completely satisfied with their purchases and the service we provide. If, within 10 days of receiving your order, you are not fully satisfied, we offer store credit for your convenience. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we always strive to provide exceptional service to our valued customers. In the unlikely event that there is an issue with your order or if an item arrives damaged or spoiled, please refer to our Refund Policy for detailed instructions.
No Changes or Cancellations After the Order Deadline
To ensure that we deliver the freshest and highest quality products, we adhere to a strict "no changes or cancellations" policy once the order deadline has passed. This policy enables us to efficiently fulfill your order and provide you with the best possible products.
Editing Your Order Before the Deadline
You have the flexibility to add or make changes to your order until the order deadline. Feel free to edit your order as needed. Please note that you will not receive a confirmation email for any changes made, and each order cycle allows for only one order placement.
Estimated Order Totals
Certain items, such as meat and produce, are priced by weight. As a result, the final total of your order may slightly differ from the initial estimated total. Once your order is finalized, the total amount will be charged to your credit card on file, and a receipt will be emailed to you.
Out of Stock Items
Although we strive to maintain accurate inventory, occasional errors may occur. If an item becomes unavailable, we will adjust your final total and any applicable delivery fees accordingly. Any changes made to your order will be communicated in the final order email.
Notification of Delayed Pickup/Delivery
If there is a delay in your group's pickup, we will promptly notify you via email. We kindly request that you extend the same courtesy if you are running late for pickup. For deliveries, you can expect to receive an email from UPS or a text message for farm driver delivery if there are any delays.
Your Responsibility for Pickup or Delivery
If you choose to pick up your order, it is your responsibility to collect your items at the designated time. If any products are missing, we will take full responsibility. However, if you do not pick up your order during the specified timeframe, we cannot be held liable for any missing or spoiled items.
For deliveries, it is your responsibility to unpack your order on the same day you receive it. If any products are missing, we will rectify the situation. However, if you fail to unpack your order promptly, we cannot be held responsible for any spoilage.
Payment Required Before Pickup/Delivery
We accept all major credit/debit cards as the sole payment method. When placing your first order, you will be prompted to add a credit card to your account. Once your order is packed, the final order total will be charged to your default card, and a receipt will be emailed to you. Payment must be made prior to receiving your order.
Card Declines
In the event of a declined card, you will receive an email notification. We kindly request that you promptly resolve the issue or communicate with our farm. As per our no order cancellation policy, your order will still be sent, and you will be responsible for payment. Failure to resolve the issue may result in temporary deactivation of your account until the matter is resolved.
For any inquiries regarding our Ordering Policies, please contact us at 8handsfarm@gmail.com. Alternatively, you can give us a call at 631-494-6155.. We are here to assist you and address any concerns you may have.